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Accommodation Reporting

Accommodation reporting follows the same basic idea and structure as sales reports. It focuses on data related to accommodation operations and relevant key metrics.

Accommodation nights can be categorized based on different buildings or room types. This allows for analyzing occupancy rates in different areas and identifying popular room types versus those with lower utilization. Similar to the sales report, accommodation nights can be divided based on time. Here is an example of a building-specific accommodation report.


Accommodation nights Report

Date filter allows for selecting a specific time range for accommodation nights. Current year is the default. The report shows both realized and future booked accommodation reservations. Further filtering can be applied through the available options. Nights are divided based on specified dimensions, such as business areas. Accommodation nights are distributed according to the buildings in Willba.

In addition to internal usage, the system covers necessary reporting for external accommodation purposes. The reporting system generates an accommodation report designed to meet the needs of Statistics Finland.

The report mainly shows realized accommodations, and the observation periods are usually in the past. Accommodation nights on a monthly basis with the number of individuals as the metric. Accommodation nights divided by the nationality of the guests on a monthly basis. Accommodation nights categorized by month and type of stay, with visitors divided into Finns and non-Finns. Reporting the number of occupied rooms. This does not cover the number of people accommodated in each room. The report displays daily usage data and cumulative sums from the beginning of the observation period.

Accommodation nights

Sales Reporting

Sales within a specific timeframe: Sales reporting can be divided based on different dimensions, such as business areas, accounting groups, and product categories.

Monthly Sales

The time dimension used is the end date of the sales. Sales can be viewed based on the status of the sales. That enables the tracking of canceled sales as well.

VST Reporting

VST activities are defined during the sales and are monitored through a collected report.

The report can be adjusted based on the visit date and VST category. The days are divided according to gender and age category. By opening additional columns, you can access the sales level data. The days are further divided based on VST categories, distinguishing between those who stay overnight and those who visit during the day. The accommodation status determines the calculation of VST days.

VST Reporting is Vapaa sivistystyön raportointi in Finnish


Accounting Reporting

Accounting reports serve as a convenient tool to support accounting reconciliation. It includes monitoring open and completed payments, as well as daily tracking of sales accounts. This helps manage both advance payments and accounts receivable.
